Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What Kids Say.........................

Yesterday, my mom came over and Lexie was reading all the names of the movies that she has to my mom. One of the movies was a Jesus movie. Except when Lexie says "Jesus", it comes out "Cheesus"! She has said that from the time when she first started to talk. So it reminded me of the blog that I posted last week about Lexie "Choosing The Right and not the Left"! So I had to put this on my blog too because I don't want to forget it.
We can say to Lexie, say "Jesus" and she says, "Jesus." I say, "good!!!" Then I say, "o.k. now say Jesus" and she says, "Cheesus". And she does it every time. She doesn't say any other words wrong and pronounces all her words correctly, but for some reason she doesn't say Jesus right. It is so funny and I know that Jesus can hear her and I am sure he has a good laugh about it. I know I do.

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