Thursday, April 22, 2010

Field Trip to the State Capitol

We went on a tour of the CA Capitol building, went shopping, ate sea food for lunch & dinner, and went on a carriage ride around Old Sacramento. What a GREAT day!!
Our carriage ride with the horse named "Thunder".

We never have our picture taken. I am always the one with the camera. I think this one is a pretty cute one.
I can't even express how excited this little girl was about riding in a carriage. She said to me, " This is the best day ever. I feel like she was a princess." Then she said, "Sissy, you are the step sister!" hahahaha. We all laughed so hard. Oh how I love that little girl. Never a dull moment with her. She had a permanent smile on her face the whole ride. I loved watching her.
Can you see Jason and my 3 kids in the picture?
The Capitol building is so big and so pretty. My kids thought it looked a lot like the white house.

The view looking away from the capitol building.
I liked this picture of Kaitlyn in front of the building.
Once you are inside, you look up and this is what you see. It was prettier in person and so high up.
We didn't get to go inside Gov. Schwarzenegger office, but this nice guard let me take a picture of my kids in front of his office.
We had such a great day in Sacramento. The weather was perfect and we are so glad we went.

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