Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oh Ya, and through all this, I turned 32 on Oct. 10... Oh YEAH:(

No pictures to share, but yes I am now 32. :(

With two years into my 30's, so far the 30's stink! This is the time where I look at yourself and think WOW, where did the 20's go and what am I going to do with myself now that I am in my 30's.

I did have a good birthday though. My mom took me shopping and she bought me a new shirt and a pair of pants. Then we went to Red Lobster (my favorite) for lunch. After all that, we went to her house and had cake with my husband, my kids and my brother and his girls. It was so much fun. Her and I don't really spend that much time doing anything together because I always have my kids with me, so it was really nice for me to get away and have some fun with her. We do talk every day on the phone though, sometimes more than once a day. But it was nice to just have some mom and daughter time. It was relaxing and I really needed it. Her and I need to do that more often. Thanks mom, I love you!

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