Saturday, May 1, 2010

Vintage Hair Bows

Kaitlyn and I were at Young Women's and our Bishop's wife came to teach the Young Women and us leaders how to make Vintage Hair Bows. Kailtyn and I had such a great time making them, so the next day, we went to the fabric store and bought cute material to make more. Kaitlyn made this pink one all by herself. She did a great job. Isn't it cute?

This is the 1st one she made with my help.
I made this one for Lexie. So cute!

Close up of that one. I've been busy making a few of these bows. Small ones and big ones. I even made my mom a pin. They are a lot of fun to make. I've had a lot of nice comments on them. I think I need to sell some and make some money.

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